About Us | coheringcommunity.com

About Cohering Community

Our Story

In the spring of 2023, a small group of consultants and leaders from around the world got together and went through the six conversations from Peter Block's book, "Community - The Structure of Belonging." Over the six weekly online meetings, these previous strangers noticed a deep and rather surprising connection to each other. Curious about what had happened, Richard Schultz and Lisa Persson hosted another group of strangers through a similar experience in the fall of 2023 with similar results: connection, belonging, transparency, respect, friendship, and trust. To this day, both of these groups have continued to meet in their 'We-Spaces" greatly benefiting from the deep personal and collective insights that emerge in the meetings. 

These "We-Spaces" have had such profound benefits for the participants, that we decided to bring the experience to the world!

Our Vision

Communities and nations have become deeply disconnected and divided. In society, there is a crisis of loneliness, distrust, meaninglessness, and mental health, among other things. 

Cohering Community is our response to social crises. We aim to reconnect people; rebuilding social cohesion, caring, and trust. To do this, people need new conversations, and enriched communication capacities focused on deep listening, possibility thinking, respect, and non-judgment. Leaders need to develop new capacities to hold these sacred, safe spaces.

We envision a generative world of interconnected circles of trust where everyone feels that they can contribute and belong.

Our Team

Lisa Persson - Sweden

Lisa Persson - Sweden

My passion in this life is life; in all its shapes and forms. From a young age I felt curious and fascinated by connections and relations, whether it be within myself, with others or nature. I was very drawn to the possibilities that reside within each and every one of us, in particular when coming together, when we allow and invite the possibilities. Through this interest and by combining two of my favourite things, sports and behavioral science, I started training within Sport Psychology. This was a ´great venture and a wonderful learning journey. Later, these studies were transferred into the field of Organizational Psychology.

Now, this passion has brought me in the direction of deep transformation and sustained change, where I practice as a deep transformational coach. Still, my calling is pulling me towards the endless possibilities emerging when being and experiencing our togetherness – here is where I love to spend my time!

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there’ (Rumi).

Richard Schultz - Canada

Richard Schultz - Canada

I am passionate about working with organizations and community to expand their capacities for authentic connection, leadership, collaboration and innovation. I especially love facilitating Open Space Technology meetings. I’ve had the pleasure of facilitating several peace conferences for Rotarians, co-founded the PeaceLeaders Collaborative and facilitated Greater Moncton, Canada becoming an International City of Peace. On a regular basis, I host open, online Leadership Dialogues and Peace Cafés using the Bohm Dialogue method.

I resonate with Gandhi’s statement, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” For the last 20+ years, I have studied, taught and worked with hundreds of individuals to elevate their lives from the inside -> out by changing limiting beliefs, forgiveness, releasing trauma, and integrating shadow. I especially love doing “Shadow integration work.” 'Shadow,' often birthed in trauma, is at the core of most limiting behaviours and largely responsible for the polarization we are experiencing in our world today.

Supporting Friends

David Currie - USA

David Currie - For The Good of All Now

David Currie is the author of For the Good of All, NOW! a guide for embracing connection, oneness, and community. He draws on skills and experience, acquired over 40 years in both for-profit and non-profit sectors.  All the while pursuing his core beliefs in the power of community to restore its position as the primary source for the co-generation of the values that sustain a compassionate humanity and promote the good of all.

David is a member of the Prosocial Commons and a steward of the For the Good of All, NOW! group.  A commons organized purposefully as a gathering place for all who seek a coherent replicable path to successfully navigate through the coming major evolutionary transition. David resides in Binghamton, USA.