Liberating Leadership Lab - The Art of Creating Space for Emergence! |

Liberating Leadership Lab

The Art of Creating Space for Emergence

Welcome to a new era of leadership and community building!

Our online experiential Liberating Leadership lab is designed for leaders who are passionate about creating spaces where every voice is heard, every contribution is valued, and everyone feels a profound sense of belonging. Inspired by the transformative principles of Peter Block's "Community," Bohmian Dialogue, Genuine Contact™, Theory-U, and circle-work, this program offers an immersive, highly participative journey into the art of hosting trust-based, generative circles, teams, and communities.

Imagine being part of a dynamic learning lab where weekly live sessions and engaging self-study modules intertwine to create a deeply relational and emergent experience. Here, you will connect with like-minded leaders, share insights, and generate the learning content in an environment that celebrates authenticity, inclusivity, and mutual support. As you navigate this journey, you will not only enhance your leadership skills but also personally experience the profound impact of being part of a coherent, supportive community.

Join us in transforming the way communities are built

Through this program, you will gain the knowledge, confidence, and tools needed to lead with empathy, inspire trust, and drive meaningful change. Together, we can lay the foundations for a more cohesive, inclusive society, one conversation at a time. Dive into a world where open dialogue becomes a catalyst for connection and community, and where your leadership potential can truly shine. Imagine how together we could transform our organizations and our world as we learn to unleash the insight and super-intelligence of coherent groups and teams.

Experience a Generative & Integral 'We-Space'

What you will experience in our 'We Space'

Immerse yourself in a highly generative learning lab that blends live, dialogic sessions with self-study modules and a vibrant online community forum.

The live sessions are the core of the experience. They are designed so that while we learn together, we are also cohering our own community. In other words, you will have personal experience of being involved in forming and cohering a group or community!

In the live sessions, you will experience the power and potential of:

  • Creating genuine connection before delivering content
  • Hosting open, safe spaces through shared agreements and practices
  • Engaging groups with powerful, provocative questions and inquiry
  • Small group breakouts for weaving connections and co-creating content
  • Presence, silence, deep listening and speaking from your ‘inner voice’
  • Generative, emergent conversation to awaken creativity, and new insights
  • A supportive, trust-based environment for fostering deep connections and belonging

Your experience will be your most valuable take-away! 

What you will learn

Gain practical tools, strategies, and insights to host and facilitate generative, coherent communities and 'We Space.'

  • Facilitating the six core conversations as outlined by Peter Block in his book, "Community"
  • Methods and practices to enhance effective group communication and creativity
  • Techniques for creating inclusive, trust-based circles
  • Methods for fostering deep connection and belonging
  • Strategies for handling group dynamics and conflict resolution
  • Insights from leading frameworks like Bohmian Dialogue and Circle Work

Equip yourself with the knowledge to transform your leadership approach and create lasting impact.

What you will come away with

By the end, you will have experienced a profound sense of community and gained the confidence to host your own groups.

  • A deep understanding of community building and facilitation techniques
  • Real-world experience of being part of a highly coherent, supportive group
  • Confidence to host your own circles or enhance existing groups
  • A toolkit of resources, including recordings, transcripts, and sample meeting designs
  • Access to an ongoing online community for continued support and collaboration

Leave with a comprehensive toolkit and a renewed sense of purpose in your leadership journey

Is this leadership program for you?

Are you interested in being a catalyst for change?

  • In laying new foundations for a more cohesive, inclusive society? 
  • Initiating your own transformative community circles, in-person or online?
  • Developing your own skills and capacities to build vibrant communities or host 'We-Spaces'?
  • Learning about powerful conversations that engage community members?
  • Experiencing the possibilities that unfold within authentic connection?
  • Belonging to an ongoing, supportive movement and community of practice?

This program is ideal for those desiring to build their skills and capacities to work with emergence and a circle-based approach that taps into the super-intelligence of high trust, coherent groups and teams.

For visionary leaders, facilitators and coaches

This program is designed for those who are passionate about building cohesive, inclusive communities, in-person or online.  If you are driven to create spaces where every voice is heard and every contribution is valued, this program is for you.

  • Mid to senior-level professionals in community development, education, human resources, or non-profits
  • Change-makers and social activists committed to fostering inclusive environments
  • Leaders looking to enhance their facilitation skills and create impactful group dynamics
  • Individuals seeking deep personal growth and leadership development
  • Anyone interested in building their capacity to host generative, emergent circles, teams, and communities

If you see yourself as a catalyst for positive change, this program is crafted for you.

What you will receive

2 hrs/week live online sessions for 3 months 
A comprehensive online, self-guided circle leadership course
12-month membership in the online Leaders Community
Recordings and notes from live leadership sessions
Sample meeting designs for each of the core conversations
Articles, resources, and tips for circle leadership/facilitation
Opportunities to network with other leaders
Optional leadership mentoring/coaching (additional cost)
Offers to extend your leadership mastery

Liberate your Leadership!

Apply to join us!

This is a 3-month intensive leadership development and facilitation course. You will come away with experience, skills and materials that could help you earn income or greatly benefit your organization, community or team. In successfully completing the program, it is our hope that you will bring your evolutionary leadership skills into your community or organization. In short, your success is our success, and success for the world.

Your investment in this program will come in a few forms:

  • Your commitment of time and energy. We request that you attend at least 80% of the weekly live sessions and up to 1 hour/week of preparation & self-study. You are also encouraged to reach out to connect one-one with the other participants.
  • Your financial investment is US$1,500, split into 3 monthly payments. If this amount is beyond your means, we are open to discussing alternative pricing on a 'sliding-scale', priced according to your financial means.  

To help ensure our mutual success and the most favorable outcomes in your leadership development, we want to get to know you prior to registering. To this end, your application will be followed by a one-hour interview where you can ask any questions about the program. 

Liberating Leadership Lab Dates

Thursdays at 1:30–3:30 NA-Eastern

March 20, 2025 until June 12

This program is limited to 12 leaders, so apply now to save your seat.

Meet Your Hosts

Lisa Persson - Sweden

Lisa Persson - Sweden

My passion in this life is life; in all its shapes and forms. From a young age I felt curious and fascinated by connections and relations, whether it be within myself, with others or nature. I was very drawn to the possibilities that reside within each and every one of us, in particular when coming together, when we allow and invite the possibilities. Through this interest and by combining two of my favourite things, sports and behavioral science, I started training within Sport Psychology. This was a ´great venture and a wonderful learning journey. Later, these studies were transferred into the field of Organizational Psychology.

Now, this passion has brought me in the direction of deep transformation and sustained change, where I practice as a deep transformational coach. Still, my calling is pulling me towards the endless possibilities emerging when being and experiencing our togetherness – here is where I love to spend my time!

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there’ (Rumi).

Richard Schultz - Canada

Richard Schultz

I am passionate about working with organizations and community to expand their capacities for authentic connection, leadership, collaboration and innovation. I especially love facilitating Open Space Technology meetings. I’ve had the pleasure of facilitating several peace conferences for Rotarians, co-founded the PeaceLeaders Collaborative and facilitated Greater Moncton, Canada becoming an International City of Peace. On a regular basis, I host open, online Leadership Dialogues and Peace Cafés using the Bohm Dialogue method.

I resonate with Gandhi’s statement, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” For the last 20+ years, I have studied, taught and worked with hundreds of individuals to elevate their lives from the inside -> out by changing limiting beliefs, forgiveness, releasing trauma, and integrating shadow. I especially love doing “Shadow integration work.” 'Shadow,' often birthed in trauma, is at the core of most limiting behaviours and largely responsible for the polarization we are experiencing in our world today.


What is Bohm Dialogue?

Over a span of 25 years, David Bohm spent a considerable amount of time in conversation with the famous philosopher and teacher, Jiddu Krisnamurti. From Bohm's experience of these conversations, David Bohm proposed a powerful, free flowing way of dialoguing where people practice experiencing everyone's point of view fully, equally and non-judgmentally in order to reach common understanding.

Bohm felt that open dialogue could help us solve the many crises that face society and expand human consciousness. Indeed, in a world where polarized, fear and domination-based communication is the norm, Bohm dialogue gives us a simple structure to elevate the way we relate to ourselves, each other and the world, preparing the ground for deeper learning, connection and collaboration.



What happens in Bohm Dialogue?

In Bohm Dialogue, there is often no set agenda or focused subject to talk about. Instead, the topic(s) or themes emerge out of the active listening and contributions of the participants present.  There is no facilitator making anything happen, but rather a 'Host' that also participates, notices when the conversation slips out of dialogue, and invites people back into the practice. The group, through their contributions of suspending, respecting, voicing and listening, notice as themes, insights, learning and wisdom naturally emerge over the course of the conversation.

A Bohm Dialogue agenda tends to be very simple:

1. Welcome: The host welcomes participants, explains the practices of dialogue and invites participants into agreement. If there is a subject or theme for the dialogue, this is clarified.

2. Check-in: Each participant does a brief 'check-in,' introducing themselves and 'what is moving within them' at the moment.

3. Flow: An open dialogue continues, taking its lead from what emerged in the check-in, following the flow of what participants notice as they speak, listen, think and feel together. 

4. Closing: A final round or 'check-out' is conducted where everyone gets an opportunity to briefly share their experience and what they are taking away from the experience.



The Bohm Dialogue Practices

Participants are invited to agree to 'practices' for the dialogue. It is a 'practice', because most of us are not skilled in dialogue and fall into old polarizing habits. Together, we will develop our capacity for open dialogue but at times we will get off track, notice this, and come back into the practice. For example, consider the practice of meditation, where your mind may spin off into thinking until you notice this and pull yourself back into watching your breath.  Our four Bohm Dialogue practices are:

1. SUSPENDING: Letting go of assumptions, beliefs or certainty about things and opening up to other possibilities, viewpoints, experiences or ideas. This is not about convincing others of your views, but with curiosity, attempting to connect and understand them, and in the process, knowing yourself too.

2. RESPECTING: Seeing and respecting the humanity in others and relating with empathy and compassion to their life journey. By seeing them, you may see yourself more clearly too.

3. VOICING: Discovering your authentic voice and trusting it. This is not about saying something clever or wise. It is about noticing the call within you to speak, or to just respectfully listen and notice that others might be saying exactly what you wanted to say. Speak about only one important idea at a time, rather than talking about all the run-on thoughts arising in you. Less is more.  If you or someone is dominating the conversation, notice this and find a way to come back into balanced dialogue.

4. LISTENING: Listen with all your senses and intuition, to the whole person behind the words. You will be listening far more than speaking. With curiosity, hear the tone, cadence, pitch, pauses, movements, meaning, energy, emotions, values and intentions of the speakers. Be present to the beauty and richness of the silent moments too.